Thursday 31 May 2018

Solid Plaster Rendering in Adelaide - How to do it?

How many of you have ever wanted to have a go at Plaster Rendering in Adelaide, or even creating a feature wall? We have been solid plasterer rendering for years now. Firstly, we will start by explaining to you what all you will need to begin.

The materials you will require are basically sand & cement. The sand is called ‘plastering sand’, and do not get it confused with what brick layer's use. That sand is commonly called ‘brickies loam’, which is too fine for what we want it for. Plastering sand is coarser than the brickies loam & finer than river sand.

The standard mix in the process of Plaster Rendering in Adelaide is generally 3:1, which means 3 parts sand to 1 part cement, more often than not measured out by the shovel. Now, the other ingredient you will need is a liquid which goes into the water mix to push air into the mix to make it more spreadable and easier to make use of.

Here in Australia, we have a few products which do this. One is a clear liquid that does exactly what we have just explained. A standard mix in a cement mixer is more often than not 9:3, 9 shovels of sand to 3 shovels of cement. And do not forget to add 1 cap to the mix. This is very important when carrying out Plaster Rendering in Adelaide.

So, now we know what material we require to make up a batch of compo. ‘Compo’ is short for ‘composition’, so this batch of your mix is composed of these 3 ingredients. Now, the best way to mix these 3 ingredients together is in a ‘cement mixer’. Just put about 6 pints of water in the mixer & start adding the sand & cement bit by bit.

If you need any further guidance or even for that matter handymen to do the stuff for you do not hesitate to call up – Trade Focus Handyman!

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